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Waste is a human invention; we are the only animal on the planet that creates non-biodegradable waste.


Today, most products match what’s called the cradle-to-grave life cycle- this means that a product is disposed of when it’s no longer needed, and creates a lot of waste that contributes significantly to environmental pollution. Replacing these discarded products requires new materials to be mined or sourced; since our resources are finite, we need to be conscious and sustainable in how we use them.

Enter the cradle-to-cradle principle which transforms the linear life-cycle of a product into an endless, sustainable cycle. Believe it or not, nature was actually the inspiration for this cycle! Trees and plants drop their flowers and leaves, which become nutrients for other organisms, and the cycle continues on.

This sustainable, circular system can also be applied to our consumer goods. The end result would be a circular economy without waste that actually helps conserve resources. To accomplish this circular system, we need to create less, use less, and keep valuable materials separated in the waste stream. This is why “Reduce/Reuse/Recycle” became the gold standard in sustainable consumption.

To learn more about waste diversion in Lake County, visit the pages on the left.
If you have questions, please email our Sustainability Manager.